Here are 5 reasons kids should learn to play drums


Playing drums relieves frustration, disappointment, and stress. Just a few minutes can help.

Drummers release feel-good endorphins in their brains after they play. When you drum, the physical stimulation and vibrations resonate through every cell in your body to release negative emotions.

Increase academic performance and brain power

You use both sides of your brain simultaneously to play the drumkit because you have to coordinate all four limbs at once. This kind of brain activity can boost your IQ.

Learning drums improves math performance, after all drummers have to count! Also, drums help students learn fractions and frequencies.

Build confidence

A drummer's growth mindset comes from learning the instrument. It's about believing you can learn challenging parts by starting slowly and breaking them down. In a lot of areas of life, it's good to break complex things into manageable parts. Having the belief that you can overcome obstacles, both in and out of music, is crucial

Developing motor skills

It takes a lot of coordination between the brain and the body to play the drums. According to research, drummers have better motor control, more dexterity, are better at activities that require steady hands, and can react fast.

An Effective Therapeutic Tool 

Drumming is a unique aesthetic experience because of its physical sensory nature. Drumming speeds up physical healing, boosts the immune system, and helps relieve emotional trauma, according to recent research. There's something soothing about drumming. It's good for anxiety, grief, fatigue, depression, and behavioral issues.


Playing guitar improves concentration and memory


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